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7 minute briefings

What are 7-Minute Briefings?

Children\'s training7-minute briefs in Warrington provide information in a concise way to aid learning.  They include information on;

  • Learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR’s)
  • Learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs)
  • Learning from Audits
  • Learning from Table top reviews
  • New policies, procedure or guidance
  • A spotlight on key issues as a reminder for practice

Why 7 minutes?

7-Minute Briefings are based on research which suggests that seven minutes is an ideal time span in which to concentrate and learn.  Learning for 7 minutes is manageable in most services and often more memorable as it is necessarily brief.

Why not discuss one in supervision or your next team meeting?

If you have suggestions for future briefings, please email Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships safeguardingpartnerships@warrington.gov.uk

The briefings can be downloaded below; plain text versions of 7-Minute Briefings are also available.

Briefings are multi-agency and all-age (where possible).  Below you will find a variety of 7-Minute Briefings focussing on a number of different topics.


The Role of the WSP

WSP ABE Interviews

WSP Complex Abuse

WSP Contextual Safeguarding


WSP Deaths Overseas of Children Normally Residing in Cheshire

WSP E Safety – Omegle

WSP Early Help

WSP Finding of Fact


WSP Information Sharing

WSP Joint Agency Response (CDOP)

WSP JTAI – Mental Health

WSP Perplexing Presentation (FII)

WSP Practice To Shout About (Jake)

WSP Practice to Shout About (The Jan Family)

WSP Private Fostering

WSP Professional Challenge and Escalation

WSP Professional Curiosity

WSP Record Keeping

WSP The Role of an Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) 

WSP The role of the LADO

WSP Street Triage

WSP Trauma Informed Practice

WSP Working with families WE find hard to engage

WSP Step Up/ Step Down Audit


The Role of the WSAB

WSAB Advocacy Best Practice

WSAB Carers Trust The Triangle of Care

WSAB Information Sharing

WSAB PIP Application Process

WSAB Professional Challenge and Escalation

WSAB Professional Curiosity

WSAB Record Keeping

WSAB Restrictive Practice

WSAB SBARD Communication Technique

WSAB Street Triage

WSAB The Role of an Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP)

WSAB Trauma Informed Practice

LeDeR Self Neglect 7 Minute Briefing