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Safeguarding Training & Development - Adults and Children

In Warrington we are keen to promote a think family approach to our work, so no matter whether you are working with children and young people or adults and carers we are keen for you to attend any training that we have on offer.

Current training courses +

Safeguarding Children (Level 2) – Working Together to Safeguard Children (1 day)

Safeguarding Adults Level 2 (1 day)

Female Genital Mutilation (half day)

Trauma Informed Practice (1 day)

Trauma Informed Practice (lunch and learn 1 hr)

Contextual safeguarding (1 day)

Managing Allegations (LADO) (half day)

Attachment Training (half day)

Child and young person’s mental health services (lunch and learn 1hr)

Child Protection Conference workshop (half day)

Voice of child (half day)

Keeping Warrington Safe: Your role and the work of the Safeguarding Partnership (lunch and learn 1hr)

Keeping Warrington Safe: Your role and the work of the Safeguarding Adults Board (lunch and learn 1hr)

Thrive (half day)

Early help and Introduction (half day)

Sexual Violence Workshop (half day)

Domestic Abuse (1 day)

Neglect and the GCP2 tool (1 day)

Self-Neglect and Hoarding (half day)

Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) (adults) (lunch and learn 1hr)

An introduction to County Lines and Criminal Exploitation (lunch and Learn 1hr)

Level 1 Safeguarding Training – Basic Awareness +

Safeguarding Adults Level 1

As a basic requirement, all staff in all agencies must be able to demonstrate the completion of basic safeguarding training (Level 1), through face to face training, the use of workbooks or e-learning where appropriate. Refresher training should be provided every three years.

This training should be provided in house by your employers / organisation / setting

The WSP / WSAB do offer Foundation Safeguarding Awareness Level 1 Training slides that can be delivered in your own setting. To request a copy of the Foundation Safeguarding Awareness Level 1 Training slides to deliver in house please email Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships team at safeguardingpartnerships@warrington.gov.uk

Alternatively a Foundation Safeguarding Adults Awareness Level 1 Workbook can be completed on an individual staff basis. 

For WBC Employees Basic Awareness Training is provided at St Werburghs Training Centre https://www.warringtontraininghub.uk/

Safeguarding Children Level 1

This training should be provided in house by your employers / organisation / setting

For WBC Employees Basic Awareness Training is provided at St Werburghs Training Centre https://www.warringtontraininghub.uk/

How do I apply for a training course? +

To apply for a place on one of our courses you will need to log on to our Training system at http://www.warringtonsafeguarding.org/

If there is a place available you will receive instant confirmation of your place on the course along with details of the cancellation policy.

Please note that following your attendance on our courses you will be requested to complete a long term evaluation survey to help us to measure the long term impact and value of training.

Non attendance and Charging Policy +

The Non-attendance and Charging Policy for WSAB / WSP Training provision has been updated and ratified by all partners. The non-attendance and charging policy came in to effect on 1st April 2022.

If you book onto a WSP / WSAB training course and do not attend or if you're unable to attend and you do not cancel your place 7 days before the planned date of the course, your organisation will be charged as per the rates (£100 or £50 per course, per person for full day or half day, respectively).

For Local Authority attendees, a request will be made for your teams cost code in order for the invoice to be processed.

Please note that this penalty is levied regardless of the reason for absence. Exemptions to this policy will only be made in the case of staff sickness on the day or exceptional circumstances, verified by the line manager in writing.  A colleague who is able and eligible to attend may serve as a substitute for your place to prevent non-attendance.

In exceptional circumstances a non-attendance charge may be waived at the discretion of the Safeguarding Partnerships Team. If you believe there are mitigating circumstances and a cancellation charge should not be made, it is your responsibility to inform the Safeguarding Partnerships Team of this by emailing safeguardingpartnerships@warrington.gov.uk

Late arrivals / Early Leavers

Please make sure that you arrive on time to start the course promptly at the stated start time and are able to stay for the full duration. Late arrival of more than 15 minutes may result in being turned away from the course and subsequently a charge will be levied for non-attendance.

Similarly leaving prior to the course end in excess of 15 minutes will result in no certificate of attendance being issued and a charge for non-attendance being levied.

Line Managers will be notified of late arrival/ early departure

To view the full WSP / WSAB Non-attendance and Charging Policy click here

How do I cancel my place on a course? +

At times agencies may need to cancel places reserved on training courses. WSP expects applicants to observe the following procedures:

All cancellations / withdrawals from training courses should be made at least 7 working days in advance of the course.

You can cancel your place when you are logged onto https://www.warringtonsafeguarding.org/

Once you have logged into your account:

  • Click training at the top of the page.
  • Click view all my bookings on the right hand side under common actions.
  • Click view on the right hand side of the training course you wish to cancel yourself from.
  • Click request cancellation on the right hand side under common actions.
  • Go to the bottom of the page it takes you to and enter a reason for your cancellation.
  • Click confirm.

You should receive an email confirming that you are cancelled from your selected course. If you have any questions please contact safeguardingpartnerships@warrington.gov.uk 

Competency Frameworks +

Safeguarding Adults Training

Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board has adopted the Bournemouth competency framework. To view the competency framework click here

The competency framework provides a standardised approach to the skills and training staff in different roles should have regardless of the organisation they work for. This ensures a level of consistency and aims to improve the skill sets of all staff working with adults with care and support needs across the county.

There are 5 groups of staff that correspond to 5 levels of training:

Group A Level 1 - Foundation

Group B1 Level 2 - Intermediate

Group B2 Level 3 - Specialist

Group C Level 4 - Advanced

Group D Level 5 - Strategic

Individual agencies must ensure that competency of staff is monitored through appraisal and supervision arrangements and that staff receive training suitable for their competency requirements.

Safeguarding Children Training

The competency framework offers guidelines to employers for identifying the relevant competencies either by group or level (including Inter-Collegiate Levels – (ICL)) according to staff involvement and responsibilities in relation to children, young people and their parents. To view the competency framework click here

There are 5 groups of staff that correspond to 5 levels of training:

Group 1 - 8 Level 1 - Foundation

Group 2 & 3 - Level 2 - Intermediate

Group 3 & 4 - Level 3 - Specialist

Group 5 & 6 - Level 4 - Advanced

Group 7 & 8 - Level 5 - Strategic

Training Strategies +

Safeguarding Children Training Strategy

Warrington’s Safeguarding Partnership (WSP) is the strategic body which oversees safeguarding children and young people activity locally. Through our Training Strategy and effective training provision, the right people have the right skills to protect children from abuse and neglect.

Our training strategy sets out WSP’s vision for safeguarding children training until 2024. It will set out the priorities for staff development and link to both multi-agency training and single agency training available. It will be informed by WSP priorities, responsibilities under 1989, 2004 Children Act, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 and competency requirements. WSP will seek assurance from agencies that they are providing and monitoring effective learning and development opportunities around safeguarding children.

WSP will utilise evaluation, learning from audits and Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR’s) to drive the provision of training that responds to the need of frontline practice in Warrington. This in turn will improve outcomes for children and young people.

Warrington Safeguarding Strategy 2025-28

Safeguarding Adults Training Strategy

WSAB’s training strategy sets out its vision for safeguarding adults training until 2024. It aims to:

  • support the development of good multi-agency practice in responding to and addressing safeguarding adults issues in partner agencies that is a conduit for sharing best practice and lessons learned
  • promote consistency and standardisation of practice in safeguarding adults
  • promote a Making Safeguarding Personal approach at all times
  • establish a competency framework endorsed by WSAB that all partner agencies can use in the development and delivery of training in their organisations
  • identify and respond to practice issues where multi-agency Safeguarding Adults training is identified and or required to improve that practice
  • provide training and development that meets the needs of staff and volunteers
  • develop opportunities to raise awareness for the wider community, including to people who use services and their carers and that in the development and delivery of training their voice is heard
  • support partner agencies so that staff have the competencies they need to fulfil their role in safeguarding adults with care and support needs and promoting their welfare, and, are confident in their professional role in their workplace setting
  • support the work of WSAB and the application of its policies and procedures, and take forward the key principles of Making Safeguarding Personal.

The multi-agency plan is intended to add value rather than replace workforce strategies in partner organisations. Underpinning it is the responsibility of every partner agency for developing its own workforce strategy that reflects this plan within their organisation.

Warrington Safeguarding Adults Training Strategy

Quality Assurance and Evaluation +

The WSP/ WSAB evaluation process’s primary consideration will be around the following:

  • relevance, currency and accuracy of course content;
  • quality of training delivery;
  • short and longer term outcomes;
  • impact on working together and inter-professional relationships.
  • impact on children, young people, adults, carers and service users

Longer term impact and evaluation of training is built into the WSP/ WSAB audit processes.  Further long term evaluation of the impact of training courses will be undertaken by way of a brief survey sent to all delegates four months after their attendance on a WSP/ WSAB course.

Click to read the WSAB Training Quality Assurance Strategy and WSP Training Quality Assurance Strategy

Quarterly training data will be presented to the WSP Impact group and WSAB Training and Development Sub group for assurance.

WSP/WSAB Training Pool +

WSP / WSAB is looking to develop a skilled multi-agency training pool to support a wider range of courses. If any professional or volunteer is interested in joining the Safeguarding Partnership Training Pool please email safeguardingpartnerships@warrington.gov.uk

E Learning +

In recognition of different learning styles, WSP / WSAB is looking to build online resources around various topics. This website will contain free e-learning, useful documents and online resources to explore areas of interest. This will support those who are looking for more variety in the learning environment than purely classroom based learning and provide opportunities for self-directed learning that do not always exist in face to face training.

On this page you can access a wide range of free or low cost e-learning and resources designed to support work to safeguard children, young people and adults.

On completion of a course, practitioners should notify their agency training representative to ensure that e-learning is captured on their training record.

Please note: Warrington Safeguarding Partnership is not responsible for the content of external websites.

#LiveSkills resources focusing on live streaming risks to children

Awareness of Forced Marriage - a free course from Virtual College 

Child neglect - Training resources from the Department of Education

Child Sexual Exploitation for parents - Virtual College

Prevent Online Awareness course - Home Office have provided this e learning course which covers awareness of the Prevent duty.

NCALT Channel e-learning course - NCALT have produced a Channel e learning course which will allow you can recognise the signs of radicalisation and know what to do about it.

Modern Slavery - An overview from the Salvation Army

Child Sexual Exploitation - Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation (Pace) and the Safeguarding Children e-Academy have teamed up to provide this short (20-30mins) online course

Children’s rights training resource (includes introduction to child development and communication) - Coram International

Counter Terrorism Awareness - Counter Terrorism Policing

Disability Basics - Disability Matters

Domestic homicide review training front line practitioners - Home Office

Female Genital Mutilation  Home Office 

Forced marriage - Virtual College 

'In Your Hands - Safeguarding Child Victims of Trafficking' – ECPAT

Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online - Open Learn

Introduction to Prevent for schools - Home Office

Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

Keeping Children Safe Online - NSPCC resource (£30 registration cost) 

Safeguarding Matters: Disabled Children - Disability Matters

Training - Women's Aid - Women's Aid

Understanding Animal Welfare in Violent Homes - "When animals are abused, people are at risk - Virtual College

Understanding Attachment Theory  IRISS

Understanding children: Babies being heard - Open Learn

Child and adolescent mental health - MindEd E learning

Self Harm & Risky Behaviour

Bullying & the impact on the child

Introducing Child Development

Open University

The Open University offers free online courses on their website www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses on a range of subjects, including:

Introduction to cyber security

Learning to teach: become a reflective practitioner

Working in the voluntary sector

Introduction to child psychology

Future Learn

Future Learn offers a diverse selection of free courses from leading universities and cultural institutions around the world. These are delivered one step at a time, and are accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop, so you can fit learning around your life.  Find out more on their website www.futurelearn.com 

Webinars and Podcasts +

Please find below access to podcasts and webinars on safeguarding, health and social care. They have been collected from well-known organisations such as NSPCC and the Social Care Institute for Care Excellence (SCIE).

Ann Craft Trust: Safeguarding Matters- In each episode the host talks to a special guest to chat about an aspect of safeguarding. 

BBC Podcast: In Sickness and in Social Care- How can health and social care work closer together to keep the increasing number of elderly as well as possible? Dr Kevin Fong meets the people with new ideas and approaches. 

Community Care - Advice on Care Act legal changes, tackling domestic abuse and loneliness and caring for yourself available in weekly Community Care Inform podcasts. 

Counselor Toolbox - Tips, tools and tricks to help people achieve their highest quality of life, covering topics that will help people better deal with addictions, mood disorders and understand the interaction between mood, physical health and addiction. 

Helpful Social Work - Helping social workers learn, think and act with integrity so that people who need social work get help that will transform their lives. Each month a different social work topic is discussed. 

Independent Living - A range of podcasts relating to health and social care. 

Research in Practice - Aimed at anyone who has an interest in prevalent issues for the sector. 

SCIE: Care to listen - Hear first-hand experiences of what it is like to live and work in the care system.

TLAP podcasts - A series of podcast recordings to support health and social care transformation with expert speakers thinking differently about social care. 

The Open University podcasts - A series of health and social care related podcasts. 

The King's Fund podcast - A podcast about big ideas in health and care. Hear from experts from The King’s Fund and beyond talk about the NHS, social care, and all things health policy and leadership.