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Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs)

making safeguarding personal imageThe Care Act 2014 states that Safeguarding Adult Boards (SABs) must arrange a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) when an adult in its area dies as a result of abuse or neglect, whether known or suspected, and there is concern that partner agencies could have worked together more effectively to protect the adult.  This is a statutory responsibility.

The overall purpose of a Safeguarding Adult Review is to promote learning and improve practice, not to re-investigate or blame anyone. The objectives include establishing:

  • lessons that can be learnt from how professionals and their agencies work together
  • how effective the safeguarding procedures are
  • learning and good practice issues
  • how to improve local inter-agency practice
  • service improvement or development needs for one or more service or agency.

The Care Act also makes provisions for a SAB to hold an alternative review of a case where it has not met the criteria for a SAR, but it is clear that there is potential to provide learning.

This may include:

  • Serious incidents not meeting the criteria for a SAR
  • Cases featuring repetitive or new concerns/issues which the SAB wants to review in order to tackle practice areas or issues before serious abuse or neglect arises
  • Cases featuring good practice of how agencies worked together to safeguard adults with care and support needs.

Please see below the published reports from WSAB Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Alternative Reviews.

Executive Summary reports are published for a period of 12 months after the action plan has closed. Requests for reports that are "no longer published" should be requested from safeguardingpartnerships@warrington.gov.uk

Where details have been published in relation to SARs undertaken, these decisions are with agreement from the family.

Learning and practice brief documents will remain published to support improvements in practice.

Case reference

Type of review

Themes from the SAR

Executive Summary

Learning Brief



Out of borough placement, psychiatric care, mental health, self-harm

SAR F - Laura




Learning disability, out of borough placement, psychiatric care, mental health, self-harm





Reasonable adjustments, learning disabilities, hospital discharge



For further information on SAR’s and access to the National Library of SAR’s please access:

The Social Care Institute for Excellence website

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