About the SAB

Warrington’s Safeguarding Adults Board oversees local arrangements to ensure that work to safeguard adults at risk is prioritised and co-ordinated effectively.
We have been established for some time, becoming a body required by statute under the Care Act 2014.
Our purpose is to assure the people of Warrington, that local safeguarding arrangements are strong, sustainable and that people work together to prevent and respond to abuse and neglect.
This includes overseeing local activity and planning and challenging any poor practice.
We also promote information sharing between agencies and learning from cases to improve practice across the area.
We are guided by the principles of safeguarding represented in the diagram below.

We set out our priorities in our business plan and we report our overall progress and achievements in our annual report.
Please click on the links below to find out further information about Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board.
Quality Assurance and Audit Arrangement