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Warrington Safeguarding Partnership and Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board work with member agencies to safeguard and promote the well-being and independence of adults, children and young people living in Warrington. We treat all complaints seriously and recognise that the concerns raised can assist in improving how the partnerships can work together to safeguard people.

If something goes wrong during your dealings with us please tell us. You have the right to complain if you feel we have failed to achieve the standards required and expected of the work we do.

We are committed to making our complaints process easy to use. You can complain by phone, but a complaint in writing or by email is normally best so that there can be no misunderstanding about the precise nature of your complaint. You can contact us here:

Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships
1 Time Square,
Phone: 01925 4443126
Email: safeguardingpartnerships@warrington.gov.uk

We will always ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to help customers access and use our services. If you have trouble making a complaint or want this information in another language or format (such as large font or Braille) please contact us.

You can read the full complaints policy here

Not found what you were after?

Were you after the WSAB Escalation policy or WSP professional challenge and escalation policy?  Multi agency working is pivotal to the safeguarding of adults at risk however there will be occasions when workers from different agencies disagree on decision making in safeguarding. The opportunity to challenge decision making should be open to all staff in order to promote best multi agency safeguarding practice. The policies provides workers with the means to raise concerns they have about decisions made by other professionals or agencies.

WSAB Escalation policy

WSP professional challenge and escalation policy