Events held during 2022
Please see below for details on past safeguarding events:
ICON Week 2022 (September) +
The second annual ICON week (26 to 30 September 2022) is here to raise awareness of infant crying and how to cope to support parents/carers and prevent serious injury, illness and even death of young babies as a result of Abusive Head Trauma that happens when someone shakes a baby.
ICON is a programme adopted by health and social care organisations in the UK to provide information about infant crying, including how to cope, support parents/carers, and reduce stress.
This year’s ICON Week is focussing on sharing ideas and best practice. More than 15 webinars are taking place throughout the week with speakers from the military, police, primary care, parent ambassadors, health visitors, and the education section. These are open to everyone, and the access details are available at
ICON is all about helping people who care for babies to cope with crying.
ICON stands for ….

Speak to someone if you need support such as your family, friends, midwife, GP or health visitor.
More information and a wealth of resources are available on the ICON Cope website –

Partnerships Event - Strategy Launch and Tools to support your practice (November 2022) +
Safeguarding Adults Week 2022 (November) +
Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board (WSAB) supported the Ann Craft Trust during Safeguarding Adults Week which took place 21st – 27th November. The aim was to highlight key safeguarding issues, facilitate conversations and to raise awareness of safeguarding best practice to enable more practitioners and members of the public to feel confident in recognising signs of abuse and neglect and reporting safeguarding concerns.
The theme for Safeguarding Adults Week 2022 was ‘Responding to Contemporary Safeguarding Challenges'.
Each day, we focused on a specific topic to help facilitate conversations around the theme of responding to contemporary safeguarding challenges. Click on the themes below to read the information flyers and see what we had planned on each day.
Welcome to Safeguarding Adults Week 2022
Monday – County Lines and Exploitation
Tuesday – Self-neglect
NHS England North West Region Safeguarding team will be hosting learning events from January 2023 on Learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews: Self Neglect, delivered by Professor Michael Preston Shoot via Microsoft Teams. For more information, please check out the information flyer here
Wednesday – Creating Safer Organisational Cultures
Thursday – Elder Abuse
Friday – Domestic Abuse in Tech-Society
Saturday & Sunday – Safeguarding in Everyday Life
How YOU Can Get Involved…….
Our 'Wear Green Campaign'

For more information about the Ann Craft Trust please visit Ann Craft Trust website
White Ribbon Day and 16 Days of Action 2022 (November) +

Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships supported White Ribbon Day on 25th November and the 16 Days of Action which followed.
The White Ribbon Campaign engages men and boys to end male violence against women and girls. This year, White Ribbon Day falls on the same week as the start of the FIFA men’s World Cup, so the theme this year is to come together and start playing as a team to end violence against women and girls – that’s #TheGoal !
Lots of exciting events took place during this campaign including a bake sale fundraiser held at Warrington Borough Council.
During the campaign we raised around £400 for Warrington Women’s Aid. This donation will be used to enhance the support given to victims and their children.
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