Events held during 2023
Domestic Abuse Interagency Football Tournament (February) +
In February 2023, Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships arranged a football tournament facilitated by partner agencies across the Domestic Abuse Partnership Board to fundraise for a local domestic abuse charity as an extension of our work during the White Ribbon Campaign.
Lots of agencies took part and we raised almost £300 from this football tournament!
Thank you to everyone who took part and came along to support the players. A huge congratulations to Warrington Youth Zone who were the winners!

Safer Sleep Week (March) +
Safer Sleep Week is The Lullaby Trust’s national awareness campaign which is aimed at anyone looking after a young baby. It aims to raise awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and the simple advice that reduces the risk of it occurring.
We know that greater awareness of safer sleep leads to a decrease in the numbers of babies dying. Sadly around 3 babies a week still die from SIDS and if all parents were aware of safer sleep advice many lives could be saved. Around 700,000 babies are born every year in the UK and The Lullaby Trust want to continue to reach out to all new parents with our life-saving message.
Safer Sleep Week Theme this year is co-sleeping.
The safest place for a baby to sleep is in a clear, flat, separate sleep space. However, a recent survey of over 3,400 parents showed us that many parents co-sleep with their baby at least some of the time and that many parents have accidentally fallen asleep in bed with their baby. A recent report from the National Child Mortality Database also highlighted that many babies die in hazardous co-sleeping situations, the majority of which are unplanned. So, it’s vital that every new and expectant parent knows the advice on how to co-sleep more safely, regardless of how they plan to sleep. This will allow parents to prepare a safer space for planned co-sleeping, or if they fall asleep without intending to.
For more information on The Lullaby Trust you can visit their website The Lullaby Trust - Safer sleep for babies, Support for families
North West Region SIDS and Safer Sleep Training for Professionals
The Lullaby Trust are delivering FREE virtual training to all staff working in the North West region and particularly those who have interaction with children and families. For the dates and how to access the training click here
Resources for Professionals
For posters, fact sheets and more, you can access everything in the below links
Safer Sleep Week Resources Pack 1
Safer Sleep Week Resources Pack 2
Safer Sleep Week Resources Pack 3
Safer Sleep Week Resources Pack 4
Safer Sleep Week 7 Min Brief
Child Exploitation Awareness Day (March) +
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity.
The National Child Exploitation Awareness Day aims to highlight the issues surrounding Child Exploitation; encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero tolerance to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children or children exploiting and abusing their peers.
Say Something If You See Something is an ongoing national campaign to raise awareness of how the business and wider community can be misused for child exploitation and trafficking.
Click the below links for more information:
Spot the warning signs of child exploitation
Reporting a concern
Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) in Sport
Guidance around appropriate language: Child Exploitation
Disability Awareness Day (July) +
Disability Awareness Day ("DAD") has taken place annually since 1992 and this year was held on 16th July 2023.
Disability Awareness Day is the world's largest 'not for profit' voluntary-led disability exhibition, held annually in a huge tented village within the grounds of Walton Hall Gardens in Warrington.
The week leading up to DAD is always full of exciting and interesting events and Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships was excited to be involved in some of those events!
On Thursday 13th July, Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships attended and supported the Carers Wellbeing Festival which was an event hosted by Warrington Carers Hub to thank carers with health and wellbeing activities which included massage, mindfulness, music, crafts, dance and lunch. Whilst at the Carers Wellbeing Festival, a Customer Vulnerability Summit event was hosted by United Utilities highlighting support services available to vulnerable customers, including Priority Services and much more. It was a great day spent with lots of wonderful carers and their families!
The Aims of DAD
Disability Awareness Day is a pan disability event which promotes a can do culture focusing on what disabled people can do throughout life and work. The show has three main aims:
- To highlight what statutory, private or voluntary services are available to enable disabled people to stay independent.
- To promote equipment and aids that could maintain or improve independence, not just what is offered by statutory service providers, we want everyone to see the best and/or latest designs
- To provide an opportunity to showcase what disabled people can do, in the field of Sport, Arts and Entertainment
As well as fulfilling all these aims every year the show also gives everyone who comes a really good day out filled with interest, fun and entertainment!
ICON Week 2023 +
The third annual ICON week is taking place 25th - 29th September. During ICON Week we aim to raise awareness of infant crying and how to cope to support parents/carers and prevent serious injury, illness and even death of young babies as a result of Abusive Head Trauma that happens when someone shakes a baby.
ICON is a programme adopted by health and social care organisations in the UK to provide information about infant crying, including how to cope, support parents/carers, and reduce stress.
ICON stands for ….
I Infant crying is normal
C Comforting methods can help
O It’s OK to walk away
N Never, ever shake a baby
Speak to someone if you need support such as your family, friends, midwife, GP or health visitor.
More information and a wealth of resources are available on the ICON Cope website –
Webinar programme
ICON are hosting daily webinars covering a variety of topics. Please see a list of the webinars below taking place. All webinars can be accessed via this link
Full details of ICON week can be found on the ICON website:
Monday 25 September
Sue Anslow, ICON Programme Manager - Welcome to ICON Week
Dr Suzanne Smith PhD ICON Founder & Programme Advisor - Introduction
Jane Scattergood – A few words from our Chair
Sue Anslow - Feedback from Audit
Joanna Garstang – Birmingham Videos
Laura Kefford and Monica Davis - Raising awareness of ICON and abusive head trauma within the multi-agency
Tuesday 26 September
Craig Johnson – SCPHN/Clinical Advisor for School Health for SSAFA, based in British Forces Cyprus Delivering ICON to the teenage audience
Tilly Pillay and Vijay Jobanputra STORK Programme and ICON
Eleanor Marcham - Team Leader 0-19 service Locala’s approach to ICON and male inclusivity
Fran Acharya – ReachDeck - An accessible website for all
Wednesday 27 September
James Footitt Account Director, Bauer Media - Get Our Message Heard
Lois Fisher Deputy Clinical Lead- ICON - Update from 0-19 HCP across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Dr Giles Haythornthwaite - Consultant Paediatrician - Why the Major Trauma network in the UK are stakeholders in parent advice at birth and support the ICON message
Deborah Gibbons - Safeguarding Midwife, Carla Clarke – Named Midwife Safeguarding, and Karen Turzynski - Clinical Practice Lead ICON Developments in Lancashire
Thursday 28 September
Krishnen Sawmynaden and Professor Anna Tarrant - Rethinking Dads
Emma Davis - Senior Probation Officer Warrington - Probation and ICON
Jonathan Hill Brown, Karen Tyson-Lee and Monica Davis - MECSH and ICON in Harrow Health Visiting
Dr Rachael Jolley - ICON in General Practice
Friday 29 September
Kieran Anders - Dad Matters and ICON
Parents Ambassadors
Final thoughts and close from Dr Suzanne Smith
Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 +
Safeguarding Adults Week 2023

Safeguarding Adults Week, hosted by the Ann Craft Trust, will be taking place 20th - 24th November. Lots of plans are in progress to provide an engaging and informative week for all practitioners.
The focus this year is how you can prioritise the welfare and wellbeing of yourself and others.
Themes of the week:
• Monday – What’s my role in safeguarding adults?
• Tuesday – Lets start talking – taking the lead on safeguarding in your organisation.
• Wednesday – Who cares for the carers? Secondary and vicarious trauma
• Thursday – Adopting a trauma informed approach to safeguarding adults.
• Friday – Listen, learn and lead -co-production with experts by experience.
Please click on links below to see more information and the program for each day:
Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 - Overview
Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 - Monday
Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 - Tuesday
Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 - Wednesday
Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 - Thursday
Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 - Friday
Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 - Finale
Co-production Week 2023 +
Co-production Week is running from 3rd - 7th July and we are aiming to celebrate the benefits of co-production, share good practice and promote the contribution of people who use services and carers in developing better public services.
The theme of this year's Co-production Week is "Co-production in the real world". Co-production is about working in equal partnership with people using services, carers, families and the community. Co-production offers the chance to transform social care and health provision to a model that offers people real choice and control.
Co-production work within Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships
Co-production is a regular agenda item on our Practitioners Forum and Safeguarding Adults Forum where agencies and volunteers come together on a dedicated session to share any current co-production work, good practice and ideas on co-production.
Our Practitioners Forum is open to all practitioners working with children and families in Warrington - for more information, visit our Practitioners Forum page
Our Safeguarding Adults Forum is open to all practitioners working with adults in Warrington - for more information, visit our Safeguarding Adults Forum page
You don't have to attend these forums just to share your experience and ideas of co-production, we'd love to hear what you are up to and for you to share any new ideas at any time by getting in touch with us by email
Co-production & Learning from Experiences Network
Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships is part of the Adult Social Care Co-production & Learning from Experiences Network which is a newly formed network to bring together our good practice and current work around co-production, to learn from others, to develop our approaches and start a journey of improvement. The group have produced a Co-production Commitment and Principles draft which you can view below. The Business Development team welcome your thoughts and feedback about this draft document. To provide any feedback or to get involved in the network please email
ASC Co-production Commitment and Principles draft
Adult Social Care really want to hear and listen to individuals experiences of services they provide to inform how they deliver their services going forward and in the future. If you would like to get involved and share your experience or you work with an individual who would like to have a reflective conversation of the services they access/use then please email and the team will be in touch to arrange the most accessible way to have these conversations.
What's on?
On Tuesday 4th July, 11:30-12:30, SCIE (Social Care Institute for Excellence) is hosting a webinar which will be co-presented by people with lived experience and social care staff. The webinar will be discussion-based and will delve into some of the eye-opening results about defining and understanding co-production; and what stops good co-production happening among both social and health care staff and people with lived experience. Plus there are recommendations to remove barriers and promote meaningful co-production. During the webinar, SCIE will be sharing the results of their co-production survey, which was carried out earlier in the year. To register for the webinar, please click here
To find out more about what SCIE has planned for Co-production Week, you can visit their website National Co-production Week | SCIE