Summer Safety

Whilst the warm summer weather brings lots of opportunities for fun in the sun there are also additional hazards for children. The Child Accident and Prevention Trust are focused on keeping children safe this summer and have created guidance to help parents keep their children safe.
Some of their top tips include:
- Watch out for open windows
- Be careful in the garden, chemicals like weed killer and fertiliser should be kept out of reach
- Swim safely as babies and toddlers can drown in as little as 5cm of water so make sure someone is with them at all times
- Make sure to teach children to choose safe places to swim like public pools with lifeguards
- Be burns aware with BBQ season and ensure children know the dangers of hot cooking equipment
- Keep babies cool and out of direct sun to prevent overheating
For more resources and tips visit the Child Accident Prevention Trust website:
Summer safety tips: 8 reminders to keep children safe this summer (