Adults policies & procedures

On this page you will find policies and procedures relating to Safeguarding Adults within Warrington alongside practice guidance produced by the WSAB. If you can’t find something please email with your request.
Below you will find things separated out into Policies, Procedures and Warrington Practice Guidance
North West Safeguarding Adults Policy
This policy has been developed by safeguarding adults boards (SABs) across the North West, to meet the requirements of the Care Act and the Department of Health Statutory Guidance. It is designed to support current good practice in adult safeguarding and outlines the arrangements which apply to the region. Local guidance and procedures specific Warrington are provided separately below.
North West Adults Safeguarding Policy (302.15 KB)
These multi-agency procedures are overseen by Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board and will be reviewed and updated in the light of developments in law, guidance, research, lessons learnt and best practice. All organisations must have safeguarding policies and procedures which are consistent with the multi-agency policy and procedures.
In order to respond appropriately where abuse or neglect may be taking place, anyone in contact with the adult at risk must understand their own role and obligations within these procedures.
The document below represents specific guidance on what happens within Warrington when Safeguarding Adult’s at Risk procedures are implemented.
Warrington Safeguarding Adults Procedures 2024
Practice Guidance
The documents below are the detailed practice guidance designed to be consulted alongside the procedures above. The document has been set up with a detailed contents section so you can click on a sections title and go straight to the section you are interested in. Each section provides some guidance and reference to relevant legislation for that topic area.
WSAB Safeguarding Practice Guidance
Big S v little s: Safeguarding Referrals