Escalation policy
Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board (WSAB) is committed to the principle that appropriate challenge and escalation is an essential part of being a learning partnership achieving high standards and challenging poor practice.
Appropriate challenge and escalation should be done in the spirit of openness, proportionality, and mutual respect.
Where issues arise between partners or where one partner has a proposal which has significant implications for another, then they should make reasonable efforts to consult, discuss and consider the issues concerned prior to escalating or raising at the SAB.
There will be occasions when workers from different agencies disagree on decision making in safeguarding. Disagreements may arise in a number of areas, but are most likely to be around the following:
- criteria for referrals
- outcomes of assessments
- roles and responsibilities of workers
- service provision
- timeliness of interventions
- information sharing and communication
In any disagreement between professionals the safety of the adult at risk (where safeguarding children is not an issue) should be paramount and therefore any unresolved disputes must be addressed with risks duly considered.
Escalation Policy
At all stages (1-4) of the process of escalation as outlined in the policy below, action and discussions must be recorded in writing and shared with relevant personnel (including the person raising the concerns).The person raising the concern must be specific and clear about their concerns.
Not what you were looking for?
If you have concerns about a person in a position of trust click here for the PiPoT Policy.
If you wanted information on Whistleblowing or have concerns about an organisations practice.
If you have a complaint about the conduct of Warrington Safeguarding Board click our Complaints page.