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Safeguarding Adults Forum (SAF)

Come along to our meetings and help us shape the future of Safeguarding Adults in Warrington!

Safeguarding Adults ForumWhat is the SAF’s purpose?

It is an opportunity for local agencies to receive messages from Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board, escalate practice concerns and emerging themes, widely share learning to raise awareness, identify opportunities to work together within a supportive peer group, promote best practice and effective communication and support members to remain current in their understanding and knowledge of safeguarding adults. 

As well as challenging from the frontline, the forum will share learning. It is also the route by which practitioners can provide the voice of adults in Warrington to the partnership.

Who attends?

The Safeguarding Adults Forum is open to all practitioners working with adults in Warrington, no invitation necessary. Email safeguardingpartnerships@warrington.gov.uk to be added onto our distribution list. 

Attend every meeting or attend only one, it’s up to you! 

Attendance could consist of frontline practitioners across the board, such as: 

  • Advocacy services
  • Care Home Managers Forum representative
  • Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service
  • Cheshire Police
  • Faith Sector Forum Representative
  • Healthwatch
  • Housing Providers
  • Local Health & Social Care Providers
  • Local Prison and Secure setting providers
  • Local Recovery Support Providers
  • Mental Health Service Providers
  • Private, Independent and Volunteer (Third) Sector Providers
  • Warrington Domestic Abuse Partnership Representative
  • Warrington Voluntary Action
  • WBC Adult Social Care/Care Quality representatives 

The group’s relevant audience may change depending on the forum focuses.

Opinions Matter! +

Let us know your views on front line practice.   How can we improve outcomes for adults, what’s working well in Warrington and if there are areas of practice, policy or procedure we need to work on.  

If you are not able to make it to the meetings but have suggestions or feedback to give, you can email the Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Team at safeguardingpartnerships@warrington.gov.uk. We look forward to hearing from you. 

You can keep up to date with what’s going on across the board, as well as find useful links and resources from the community on our social media.

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Dates of our next meetings +

At present our meetings are taking place via Microsoft teams. 
Please email us for a link to the meeting if you are not already on our distribution list safeguardingpartnerships@warrington.gov.uk

Tuesday 5th November 2024 12:00-13:00

Wednesday 29th January 2025 12:00-13:00