Multi-agency risk assessment and management (MARAM)
Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) is a process designed to assist practitioners seeking to support individuals at risk to be able to continue to live independently, by providing support to manage, reduce and mitigate such risks.
The MARAM does this by drawing together practitioners to develop solutions to problems in case management that have become fixed.
Who is it suitable for?
It focuses on high intensity service users, or those who choose not to engage or may be hard to engage with, who for whatever reason engage in risky behaviours that are not captured by other safeguarding processes. The MARAM is developed for adults who are considered to have the mental capacity to make choices that we believe places them at risk. If the adult is assessed as having the capacity to understand the consequences of refusing services/engaging in risky behaviours, then holding a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Meeting should be considered.
Some of the commonly occurring issues identified in cases where professionals might hold a MARAM meeting include:
- Alcohol/drug dependence
- Mental health
- Non-compliant or challenging behaviour
- Complexities around Medical Intervention, Medication and Diagnosis
- Self-neglect/self-harm/hoarding
- Refusal of access to an adult with care and support needs
- Fear of statutory bodies
- Homelessness/inappropriate environment
- Domestic Abuse combined with other complexities
For information on when to call a MARAM and the process to follow, please download the MARAM guidance document and related appendices.
Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships have also produced some Chairing Meetings Guidance to help support the MARAM process.